Dear SeeSaters, At the moment different observers use different methods for reporting accurate positions. Can I suggest that the following coding is recognised as a standard on SeeSat? It has been in use for over 30 years by mainly UK and European observers reporting to the RGO (Royal Greenwich Observatory) at Herstmonceux. Those of you who receive Peter Wakelin's observations will recognise it. ====================================================== CODING FOR "RGO" POSITIONAL REPORTS Decimal points are omitted. x=sign (+ is optional). Bytes: 1-7 COSPAR International Designator in numerical form, e.g. 6710402. Use letters for fragments >99. 8-11 COSPAR Site number 12-17 Date (YYMMDD) 18-27 Time UT (HHMMSSssss) 28-32 Time accuracy (Sssss) 33 Time standard used: 1=radio, 2=phone 34 Coordinate system used in bytes 35-54 If byte 34=1 35-42 RA (HHMMSSss) 43-50 Dec (xDDMMSSs) 51-54 Angular accuracy (SSSs) If byte 34=2 35-42 RA (HHMMmmmm) 43-50 Dec (xDDMMmmm) 51-54 Angular accuracy (MMmm) If byte 34=3 35-42 RA (HHMMmmmm) 43-50 Dec (xDDddddd) 51-54 Angular accuracy (Dddd) 55 Epoch: 4=1950.0, 5=2000.0 56-63 Range (for radar observations) 64-68 Range accuracy (ditto) 69-71 Max brightness (xMm or Mmm) during a period of about a minute centred on the observation 72-74 Min brightness (xMm, Mmm or "INV" if invisible) 75-79 Flash period or period of regular variation (SSSss) 80 Appearance: S=steady, I=irregular, R=Regular variation F=Flashing, E=in Eclipse Extracted from "The Reporting of Satellite Observations" (1973), Radio and Space Research Station, Slough, England. David Brierley Malvern, Worcestershire, UK Station 2675, 52.1358N, 2.3264W, 70m