SatEvo decay list #47

Alan Pickup (
Sat, 7 Feb 1998 14:37:55 +0000

SatEvo decay list #47  (issued 1998 February 7)

Here are more decay predictions together with my analyses of 
recent decays. As usual, the "Actual?" decay dates are my 
estimates based on the final available elements. Pegasus debris 
are included if I predict their decay by March 15. Other 
objects should be complete to April 15 but (for the first time)
I have included a few larger and/or more interesting objects
beyond that date.

This and other recent decay lists are available on the WWW via 
my SatEvo page at
In addition you can find current elsets (auto-updated every three 
hours or so) for the still-to-decay objects below, together with
other objects of interest, including Mir, all of the Iridiums and 
recently launched/catalogued objects. Thanks to Neil Clifford, 
these elset files are now mirrored for anonymous FTP access from

   #    Designation    Name             ------- Decay -------
                                         Predicted   Actual?

  8997   75-  4 CF  Delta 1 deb                     January 18.5
 24567   94- 29 XT  STEP-2 Pegasus deb              January 18
 24119   94- 29 FS  STEP-2 Pegasus deb              January 19
 25079   97- 77 C   Iridium CZ-2C r                 January 20.51
 25145   78- 16 E   Atlas Centaur deb               January 27?
 25147   98-  4 B   Soyuz TM-27 r                   January 31.55
 22773   89- 89 AJ  COBE deb                       February  5?
 24220   94- 29 KT  STEP-2 Pegasus deb             February  6
 25038   86- 17 MH  Mir deb               February  8.6
 12512   81- 54 A   Molniya 3-16          February  9.0
 24885   97- 34 H   Iridium deb           February  9.4
 22770   89- 89 AF  COBE deb              February  9?
 25037   86- 17 MG  Mir deb               February 12
 24524   94- 29 VY  STEP-2 Pegasus deb    February 12
 22628   93- 11 F   M-3S2 deb             February 14
 24065   94- 29 DN  STEP-2 Pegasus deb    February 14
 25141   97- 82 G   Iridium deb           February 16
 25036   86- 17 MF  Mir deb               February 22
 25133   86- 17 MJ  Mir deb               February 23
 24387   94- 29 QQ  STEP-2 Pegasus deb    February 26
 24381   94- 29 QJ  STEP-2 Pegasus deb    February 27
 24329   94- 29 NE  STEP-2 Pegasus deb    February 28
 24427   94- 29 SF  STEP-2 Pegasus deb       March  1
 25066   97- 74 D   TRMM deb                 March  4
 11055   78- 94 A   Cosmos 1043              March  5
 23978   94- 29 Y   STEP-2 Pegasus deb       March  5
 25080   97- 77 D   Iridium CZ-2C deb        March  5
 24078   94- 29 DZ  STEP-2 Pegasus deb       March  8
 19353   70- 25 PX  Thorad Agena D deb       March 12
 24004   94- 29 AZ  STEP-2 Pegasus deb       March 14
 24399   94- 29 RC  STEP-2 Pegasus deb       March 14
 18364   87- 78 F   Ariane 3 deb             March 15
 22510   92- 93 GV  SL-16 deb                March 16
 22774   89- 89 AK  COBE deb                 March 27
 22855   89- 89 AS  COBE dev                 March 30
 24874   97- 34 F   Iridium Delta 2 r        April  3
 22587   93- 11 E   M-3S2 deb                April  6
 23896   86- 17 KP  Mir deb                  April 11
 23193   94- 47 B   DBS 2 Atlas Centaur r    April 27
 24900   97- 41 F   C2345 SOZ ullage r       April
 24970   97- 56 F   Iridium Delta 2 r          May
 25044   97- 69 F   Iridium Delta 2 r          May
 12519   81- 54 E   Molniya 3-16 r2           July
 24649   96- 62 B   Mars GS Delta 2 r         July
 24958   97- 58 C   Sputnik-40                July
 25109   97- 82 F   Iridium Delta 2 r       August

 Alan Pickup | COSPAR site 2707:   55d53m48.7s N   3d11m51.2s W    156m asl
 Edinburgh   | Home:       +44 (0)131 477 9144
 Scotland    | SatEvo satellite page: