Re: Sampex rocket and Resurs 1-3 rocket

Tristan Cools (
Sat, 7 Feb 1998 22:37:36 +0100 (MET)

At 19:30 3-02-98 +0100, you wrote:

>92- 38 B = 22013 = Sampex rocket

>92- 38 B 95-02-20 01:26      MM  110.4 0.5  12  9.20
>92- 38 B 95-02-24 01:56      MM  158.5 0.5  17  9.06  N=17.5, 7-inv, asym
>Timings of the flashing period of this (and other) rocket(s) are very
>welcome on the observations address :
>Kurt Jonckheere

I think I've read this somewhere, but I think the ID's have been
interchanged.  The observation of Mike McCants is probably Sampex and 92-38A
is now the rocket.  From my own observations of Sampex, I remember that
flashes were very sharp, probably from an antenna or so.

Tristan Cools
BWGS Member - Belgian Working Group Satellites

Observing at:

Damse Vaart: 3.2486E/51.2279N
Rijckevelde: 3.2867E/51.2054N
Brugge:      3.1611E/51.2108N