observations of flashing satellites...

Kurt Jonckheere (kjonckheere@mail.unicall.be)
Tue, 10 Feb 1998 21:33:03 +0100 (MET)

Please send your observations of flashers made in 1997 !!

hello all,

as you know the Belgian Working Group Satellites is collecting 
measurements of the flashing period of rotating artificial

All these observations are logged into the so-called PPAS format
(Photometric Periods of Artificial Satellites) looking like :
name of  date     time (UT)  obs total acc nr  flash
object   YY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss.s erv time  ura of  period
                             er        cy  per   .    remarks.
83-  1 B 98-02-01 05:21:05   LB   97.2 0.5   2 48.6   AA, mag 4->6
86- 19BB 98-02-01 03:27:54   LB   66.6 0.2  20  3.33  FF, mag 5->inv

On simple request I will send you a more detailed description of
the PPAS format.

During the past years we have already collected more than 40000
The complete archive is available on the web (starting from the 
VSOHP) and analysis is encouraged.

Each month an update is made available on the SeeSat-L archive.

Within a week or so I will issue the next update.

After that I will create the annual report of 1997.
So if you have made observations of flashing satellites 
during the year 1997 and forgot (or just not had the time) 
to send them,  please do this within the next week so I can use 
them to create the yearly report.
Please send them in the mentioned PPAS format.  If not possible
please send them with all possible information you can provide.

All observations are appreciated very much !

Till now, I have received 3512 observations made during 1997.
Compared with 3296 in '96 and 2442 received in '95, this number
is number is going up well !

Congratulations and many thanks to all observers.


Kurt Jonckhheere,
    Kurt Jonckheere (kjonckheere@unicall.be)  51.2 N  2.9 E  4m ASL 
   (Old accelerations : http://uc2.unicall.be/kjonckheere/index.htm) 
    observations collector for the Belgian Working Group Satellites: 
Send your observations of flashing satellites, preferrably in the correct
             PPAS format to ppas@lists.satellite.eu.org