After months of almost all cloudy nights, there have been several clear nights here recently. I made some observations on the evening of 2/9 which I'll post here. I've had to observe vicariously through this mailing list for months now! Feels good to get out under stars and make my own observations again. 1. Iridium Delta rkt (97 069F) - fast, steady, mag 1.5, slightly pinkish-white color; about 5 degrees west of predicted track using this elset and Satspy 2.5: Iridm Delta r 5.9 2.4 0.0 5.6 d 521 x 243 km 1 25044U 97069F 98037.52911810 .00160082 55895-5 60912-3 0 884 2 25044 83.5422 53.9344 0205079 18.3474 342.5000 15.61991687 13864 2. Cosmos 1833 rkt (87 027B) - long period, about 1 min 44 sec, possibly a secondary maximum but a pesky cloud interfered. (I don't use a stopwatch, just count--these obs aren't any use to those tweaking elsets, but may be useful to more casual observers like myself who are lurking out there). Mag 2.0 to 6.5. 3. Cosmos 1975 rkt (88 093B) - Steady at mag 3.5, half-second specular flash at culmination to mag 3.0. 4. Cosmos 2227 rkt (92 093B) - Steady at mag 4.0, slightly orange. I also checked out TiPS, NOSS 2-1, and EGP. No luck on Molniya 3-16 the other night. Observed a nice dark sky Iridium flare with my children's astronomy group the other night. Everyone likes Iridium flares--good for the hobby. And they make me look like I know what I'm doing! Eric Vondra Observing from Wampum, PA, USA 40.9 N / 80.6 W