Re: Landsat 4 Bright Pass

Jason Hatton (
Wed, 11 Feb 1998 12:25:06 +0000

>It flared up to Mag 0 to -1 for about 15 seconds before fading over a >period of 5-10 seconds to Mag. +3 to +4 as I followed in binoculars. >Az=1450 and Alt= 450 approx. 

That should read Az=145 Deg, Alt=45 Deg. The degrees sign got replaced
by a zero when the message was remailed.

Is Landsat 4 still an operational satellite? If so it should keep the
same orientation along it's track for it's imaging system to work
correctly & so the observed brightenings may be predictable. Equally,
Landsat 5 may exhibit the same phenomena, since I think it's
configuration is similar to Landsat 4.

Anyway I'm going to keep an eye on these two Landsats to see if they
show any more bright passes.

Best wishes & clear skies,

Jason P Hatton
ETS Strasbourg
67065 Strasbourg Cedex

48.538N / 7.731 E 146m