Hubble's operating constraints include specific constraints to avoid pointing close to the Sun, Earth, or Moon. There's a 50 degree sun exclusion constraint and 10 degrees for the moon. If for some reason the software fails and Hubble approaches closer than a specific value then backup protection goes in to effect. Sun avoidance sensors command the door to automatically close if the Sun comes within +/- 35 degrees of the primary axis. It takes no more than 60 seconds to close the door. This probably would only be required if there was a drastic emergency (I'm not absolutely certain but I believe the door will automatically close if it comes too close - e.g. if it's lost gyro control and is in a safe hold mode where it may not be able to control itself completely). The limits can be overrode through software control, in fact it's required to look at Venus or other targets close to the Sun. Typically the Earth or moon's edge will be used as an occulting disk. Hubble's cameras are aimed towards the Earth purposely for 'flat field' measurements, but these are just blank neutral images -- hardly the mythical spy satelilte which some have claimed Hubble could be if it was turned around! I doubt that the Hubble engineers take Iridium flares in to account when programming Hubble's software because of the statistical unlikelyhood of any damage. Hubble's field of view is *EXTREMELY* narrow. It's similar to looking through a soda straw. Unless an object is almost precisely on Hubble's long axis - it won't fall within the field of view. So the odds of having a flare occur at the wrong moment when Hubble happens to be viewing is incredibly low. Neverthless, I will bring this up with a couple of friends in the Hubble project - more out of curiosity than anything else. Philip Chien, KC4YER Earth News world (in)famous writer, science fiction fan, ham radio operator, all-around nice guy, etc.