Re: Rocket debris - was Re: GFO/ORBCOMM Obs, 13 Feb 98

Robert Smathers (
Fri, 13 Feb 1998 22:49:53 -0700 (MST)

Philip Chien put fingers on a keyboard to type in:
(new orbital debris list was omitted for conciseness)

> This is the Galaxy 7 launch from about five years ago.  The parameters are
> clearly that of an object in GTO.  The only GTO object was the Ariane 3rd
> stage since this was a single satellite launch (e.g. no SPELDA).
> It seems strange that there should be two additional new objects so long
> after launch - possibly the first tracked objects from an 'event'?

Galaxy 7 is fine and operating as I speak, so it didn't go kaboom or
do something else way out there in its 91 deg W home.  

de fcc sgn, Robert Smathers  (   Albuquerque, NM USA
Robert's Satellite TV/Baseball page:
Proud owner, 4 TODYWEN(!) and 4 BUD-lites - Albuquerque Intl. Downlinkport
Satellite Services Guide Manager & Co-Monitor, SATELLITE TIMES magazine