Since a large weather system on the East coast USA [triggered by several high elevation predicted Mir passes :-( ], will prevent any obs for the next few days, and the new Iridiums remain earthbound, it seems like a good time to post some observations and an info request. First the mandatory Mir observation: 15 Feb at 18:42 EST (23:42 UT) just below alpha-UMa. It reached about a mag 0 to +1 at a max el of 26 deg. What was noteworthy was that Progress M-37 (25102, 97081A) followed Mir 5 minutes later at about a mag 4.0 - easily visible through 10x50s - not quite visible (for me) at 1x. Cosmos 2151 (21422, 91042A) passed at 18:57 EST (23:57 UT) 15 February. Its brightness was about a 3.5 - easily visivle at 1x through most of its pass and brighter than I was expecting. Cosmos 1818 (17369, 87011A) passed on 14 February at 19:14 EST(00:14 UT; 15 Feb). The flash period seem to be about 4.5 seconds. [One of these days I'll actually read the notes on my Quicksat output and be ready for a flasher pass.] Question on Telstar 1 (00340, 62019A): The perigee for Telstar 1 is 951km (515 n-miles) and occurs in the northern extreme of the orbit (44.8 degrees). The magnitude on the Skymap plot is about an 8.2 for some relatively high passes next month. Do I have a chance of observing this object with 10x50s or is a telescope required? Thanks. Don Gardner Homepage: 76.8419 W, 39.1796 N, 34m ASL