I ran Iridflar on the 21/2 and found I had two flares predicted for the 22nd, I told a friend who forgot the time and checked on the GSOC site where no flares were predicted. About 4 minutes before the flares were due I saw an unpredicted flare to my SE at about 45 elv. Caught the end of that flare, it was about mag -3 but I don't know how bright it went to. The predicted flares were -7 from Iridium 38 at 20.09.14 and -3 from Iridium 20 34 seconds later to the North of me. Unlike predicted I saw the -3 flare first followed by the -7 (My first monster flare sighting). I guess my sighting of a flare SE was 20 or 38 on it's way over. So thanks Rob Matson for Iridflar, had I belived GSOC I would not have seen them. Regards Steve Daniels Paignton, Devon, UK. 50.245N 3.34W