Gorizont 14 & 23 and others...

Kurt Jonckheere (kjonckheere@mail.unicall.be)
Thu, 26 Feb 1998 21:34:39 +0100 (MET)

First : Next week I will create the next PPAS update AND the report
of 1997, so if you still have some observations of flashers,
made in 97 please send them...

At 10:26 Jason Hatton wrote:
>Last night the clouds finally cleared & I had my first chance to observe
>Gorizont 23. I initially aquired it in 10x50 binoculars & then watched
>more closely with my 6" newtonian telescope between 21:45 & 22:15.
>Unfortunately, I didn't think to make any accurate flash period
>measurements. The only timing I took was over two flashes & gave a
that's a pity...

This accelerating Gorizont will be visible over Europe for another 
week or so, then our American friends have to take over...
I haven't been able to observe it during the last days because of
the weather, hopefully some other guys have beter conditions and can
make accurate measurements.

Also Gorizont 14 = 17969 = 87- 40 A is visible over Europe.  
This is another older Gorizont that was detected flashing by 
Daniel Karcher some weeks ago with his CCD.  He found a flashing
period of about 120 seconds.

It would be interesting to know if this (and other) Gorizonts
are also flashing and accelerating ! :

Till now we have found that 4 Gorizonts have been seen flashing :
17083 g 86-090A   GORIZONT 13                      3.0  f95, 56s,m12,JHR?,D27D
will be visible over Europe next week
17969 g 87-040A   GORIZONT 14                      7.2  f98, DK, 120s D37D
19765 g 89-004A   GORIZONT 17                          f98, 84s D82D
21533 g 91 46A    Gorizont 23                      5.0 f98KJ,50s,m5.5 D72D
[from Mike McCants' highfly.mag, PPAS observations added in comments :
f95, 56s means flashing in 95 with a period of 56 seconds ; D27D means that
it takes the payload 27 days to drift around the earth]

Latest elements from OIG : 
1 17969U 87040A   98045.32799231 -.00000180  00000-0  00000+0 0  5934
2 17969   9.5240  45.4064 0025781 299.6095  60.2354  0.97658838 18788
1 21533U 91046A   98050.67424679 -.00000007  00000-0  10000-3 0   411
2 21533   3.7344  66.7431 0007161  93.6971 266.6678  0.98907538 18418
1 17083U 86090A   98046.04401513 -.00000067  00000-0  10000-3 0   851
2 17083   7.9377  50.4432 0016263 120.3798 239.9125  0.96724180 18579
1 19765U 89004A   98053.29349025 -.00000278  00000-0  10000-3 0   632
2 19765   5.7883  55.9781 0019899 249.9544 110.0110  0.99068919 33123

happy observing and clear skies,

Kurt Jonckheere 
    Kurt Jonckheere (kjonckheere@unicall.be)  51.2 N  2.9 E  4m ASL 
   (Old accelerations : http://uc2.unicall.be/kjonckheere/index.htm) 
    observations collector for the Belgian Working Group Satellites: 
Send your observations of flashing satellites, preferrably in the correct
             PPAS format to ppas@lists.satellite.eu.org