RE: Optical sighting orbit determination method

From: Richard Cox (
Date: Fri Feb 06 2004 - 19:23:02 EST

  • Next message: Russell Eberst: "FEB7.OBS"

    So you are a fellow FORTRAN programmer (I learned in 1962)!  Nice to see a
    few still kicking.  It's still a far cry from a dead language, I'm sure you
    will agree.  Other than OrbFit (I did find it and downloaded the source code
    for Windows), are there any other files I might find online?
    Richard Allan John Cox
    -----Original Message-----
    From: Jim Scotti []
    Sent: Tuesday, February 03, 2004 1:17 PM
    To: Fernandez Amiel
    Subject: Re: Optical sighting orbit determination method
    There are some programs available on the internet, for example Orbfit which
    you should be able to google and find.  There are also some other books that
    describe the techniques and a few that even list programs, such as Boulet's
    "Methods of Orbit Determination for the Microcomputer".  That book is
    a bit old and I think uses Basic for its programs.  You can probably still
    order it from Willmann-Bell.  Danby's "Fundamentals of Celestial Mechanics"
    is a good book as well with some subroutines and programs and A.E. Roy's
    "Orbital Motion" has some useful approaches for the programmer.  Another
    great book for orbit determination is Escobal's "Methods of Orbit
    Good luck!
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