DMB Obs February 6 a.m.

From: David Brierley (
Date: Wed Feb 06 2008 - 07:43:08 UTC

  • Next message: John Locker: "Progress M62"

    Clear sky between much thin broken stratus drifting from the west.
    06-57A, USA 193, left cloud low in the south and I got two rough positions 
    in Scorpio before it
    disappeaared in the dawn sky.  It was 2s late on my elset:
    1 99999U 06057A   08035.26294578 0.00177029  00000-0  29890-3 0    02
    2 99999  58.4972 101.9437 0006767  91.8424 268.1898 16.02103653    00
    56 years since Queen Elizabeth II came to the throne.  We were sent home 
    from school in the middle of the morning.
    IntlId SiteYYMMDDHHMMSSss  Sss  TCHHMMmm   DDMMm   Mm E
    0702702267508020605532854  010  12093994  +60389   15 5
    0702702267508020605542412  010  12124307  +61093   10 5
    9108201267508020605560817  010  12191526  +50047   10 5
    9108201267508020605563635  010  12182258  +43264   10 5
    9108201267508020605565791  010  12174886  +37046   10 5
    8300806267508020606235172  010  12072931  +47165   10 5
    8300806267508020606242582  010  12065139  +54280   15 5
    8807801267508020606250807  010  12102105  +41154   30 5
    8807801267508020606252860  010  12105050  +36091   20 5
    8807801267508020606260786  010  12113694  +25091   30 5
    0004701267508020606343441  010  12013555  +63027   20 5
    0004701267508020606351147  010  12000037  +59350   20 5
    0004701267508020606354901  010  12224781  +51597   15 5
    0605701267508020606442828  010  12155870  -23126   60 5
    0605701267508020606443341  010  12160593  -23544   60 5
    David M Brierley
    Malvern, Worcestershire, UK
    Site 2675, 52.1358N, 2.3264W, 70m ASL
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