DMB Obs February 6 a.m. revised

From: David Brierley (
Date: Thu Feb 07 2008 - 10:24:22 UTC

  • Next message: Peter Wakelin: "SATOBS 2008 February 06"

    Sorry, all the observations on a previous post were in error by 1 second.
    Here are the revised observations.
    IntlId SiteYYMMDDHHMMSSss  Sss  TCHHMMmm   DDMMm   Mm E
    0702702267508020605532954  010  12093994  +60389   15 5
    0702702267508020605542512  010  12124307  +61093   10 5
    9108201267508020605560917  010  12191526  +50047   10 5
    9108201267508020605563735  010  12182258  +43264   10 5
    9108201267508020605565891  010  12174886  +37046   10 5
    8300806267508020606235272  010  12072931  +47165   10 5
    8300806267508020606242682  010  12065139  +54280   15 5
    8807801267508020606250907  010  12102105  +41154   30 5
    8807801267508020606252960  010  12105050  +36091   20 5
    8807801267508020606260886  010  12113694  +25091   30 5
    0004701267508020606343541  010  12013555  +63027   20 5
    0004701267508020606351247  010  12000037  +59350   20 5
    0004701267508020606355001  010  12224781  +51597   15 5
    0605701267508020606442928  010  12155870  -23126   60 5
    0605701267508020606443441  010  12160593  -23544   60 5
    David M Brierley
    Malvern, Worcestershire, UK
    Site 2676, 52.1273N, 2.3365W, 107m ASL
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