RE: Will have to wait a few days to see Lares

From: Ted Molczan (
Date: Mon Feb 13 2012 - 03:01:06 UTC

  • Next message: Thierry Legault: "Re: Iranian satellite Navid photographed"

    Kevin Fetter wrote:
    > I was fooling around this morning, seeing if I could get a estimate of where the Lares
    > orbital plane would be located with respect to the twilight zone. From what I see, the
    > orbital plane will be close to the twilight zone, and so lares would pass by in a bright
    > sky.
    > So will have wait a few days, for the viewing to improve.
    > Now to wait for it to get into orbit, and see what the real result is.
    Here is a rough estimate I cobbled together from various sources, which I intend to be used only to assess visibility
    1 79050U          12044.45493056  .00000000  00000-0  00000-0 0    01
    2 79050  69.4990 238.7700 0002498 100.5250  75.6290 12.52000000    02
    Based on the object's size (0.364 m dia.), I estimate standard visual magnitude of 10.6 +/- 1 (1000 km, 90 deg phase
    angle), which will make it difficult to spot in its 1450 km orbit.
    Ted Molczan
    Seesat-l mailing list

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