Re: Orbit for greg unid

From: Greg Roberts (
Date: Mon Feb 13 2012 - 13:07:53 UTC

  • Next message: Kevin Fetter: "Re: Orbit for greg unid"

    Thanks Kevin -
    Well that will rule out a NAVSTAR or GLONASS  as inclination nowhere near.
    CKC280 is at about i = 27.2 deg and n = 2.008 revs/day but I think the angular 
    velocity might have been a bit high for it at the time - it was a slow mover but 
    more like that of a NAVSTAR/GLONASS , ie ~20000 km  although it took over 40 
    seconds to cross the approx 2 degree field - it was also a bit off-track from 
    CKC280 which was predicted at about 30000 kms range - track angle was not that 
    much different though. I was looking for CKC280 at the time.
    Lets see what our resident expert Mike comes up with :-))
    Thanks again.
    Seesat-l mailing list

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