SeeSat-L Feb-12
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Starting: Wed Feb 01 2012 - 02:25:15 UTC
Ending: Wed Feb 29 2012 - 15:05:40 UTC
- "Smoke and Fire -- Not Smoke & Mirrors"
- 1 week until the nice flashing sat get's launched
- 2 other obs of unid and orbit
- 2 weeks to geo sat eclipse season
- 2009-057A 35951 nice flare near Procyon
- 2011-062C 38051 Chibis-M photometry
- 2012-005-objects photometry
- 2012FEB1-2.OBS
- 2012FEB14-15.OBS
- 2012FEB15.OBS
- 2012FEB16.OBS
- 2012FEB18-19.OBS
- 2012FEB19.OBS
- 2012FEB21.OBS
- 2012FEB22.OBS
- 2012FEB23-24.OBS
- 2012FEB24.OBS
- 2012FEB25-26.OBS
- 2012FEB4.OBS
- 2012FEB6-7.OBS
- 2012FEB6.OBS
- 37805
- 38048 CZ-4B R/B (2012-001C)decay estimate
- 4541 PPAS SAFIR 2 R/B
- 4542 SATOBS 13 FEB 2012.
- 4542 SATOBS 14 FEB 2012.
- 4542 SATOBS 16 FEB 2012,
- 4542 SATOBS 17 FEB 2012.
- 4542 SATOBS 18 FEB 2012.
- 4641 PPAS 25 FEB 2012
- 4641 PPAS 25 FEB 2012.
- 8539 Obs Feb 21
- 8539 obs Feb 27
- AEHF 1 flare season
- ARIANE 44L R/B(97-016C) decay estimate
- ATV 3 launch in March
- Beidou 2-11 (Beidou G5) Launch
- Bright flashes from Echostar 2
- Bright flashes from PAKSAT 1
- BY C 020112
- BY C 020212
- BY C 020612
- BY C 021112
- BY C 021212
- BY C 021712
- BY C 022012
- BY C 022212
- BY C 022312
- BY C 022612
- BY C 022712
- BY O 020712
- BY O 022112
- BY P 020612
- BY P 022012
- Call for pages at
- Chibis-M info
- Chibis-M observed
- Classification of Geosynchronous objects, issue 14
- Correction 18 Feb 2012
- Corrections
- CZ-3B (Chang Zheng-3B) R/B (37805U) decay estimate
- CZ-3B (Chang Zheng-3B) R/B (37805U) decay estimateþ
- Detailed video of Lacrosse 5 and disappearance trick
- Directv 10 = spaceway 1
- Erratum - Pan
- ETS-6 (Kiku-6) - observation
- Feb 12 obs
- Feb 13 OTV obs and now to see
- Feb 3 obs
- Feb 8 obs
- Fireball over Texas
- First Milstar sat placed into orbit 18 years ago
- Geo belt scan 1 Feb 2012
- Geo sat eclipse season
- Gorizont 13 ppas report
- H-2A R/B (NORAD: 29394) decay estimate
- Help with unknown
- High-altitude winds keep Atlas 5 rocket on the pad
- I assume there be no more light square satellites
- I might have seen another unid last night
- ICO F2 orbit raised
- Iran - From the Ground Up
- Iranian Navid satellte launch
- Iranian satellite Navid photographed
- ISS orbit boost on Feb 29
- Lares not seen
- LARES on the way
- LARES released
- Lockheed Martin-Built Milstar Satellite Surpasses 10-Year On-Orbit Design Life
- Mobile User Objective System ( MUOS ) satellite launch on Feb 16
- MUOS 1
- MUOS 1: pre-launch estimated orbital elements
- MUOS-1 launched
- Navid not seen
- Navid observed
- near resonance of 96 72A (usa 129)
- new Phobos-Grunt TIP on Space-Track not quite helpful.....
- Next Sirius XM Radio satellite facing multi-month delay
- nice flashing sat = SL-12 R/B ( aux motor )
- Nice transists of 12005-objects from 4160 (BD)
- NORAD 29394 (H-2A R/B) decay prediction
- NOSS 6(D) obs
- Not again = so far another unid !
- November (?) 2011 re-entry over Namibia
- Obj 29394 Decay
- obs and orbit of unid
- Observed by first grace satellite flare by fluke
- one object from today's vega launch on space track
- Optical 03 Feb 2012
- Optical 03 Feb 2012 Part 1
- Optical 08 Feb 2012 Part 1
- Optical 08 Feb 2012 Part 2
- Optical 12 Feb 2012
- Optical 15 Feb 2012
- Optical 18 Feb 2012
- Optical 23 Feb 2012
- Optical 27 Feb 2012
- Orbit for greg unid
- Pass of OTV by bright star Gomeisa
- Pegasus RB decay
- Phobos-Grunt Failure Due to Computer Problems, Cosmic Rays
- Phobos-Grunt: manoeuvres of 2011 Nov 10-20 probably ullage burns
- Please note I was joking around with my message on OTV obs
- PNASobs 4160 (BD) 2012-02-10
- PPAS/PNAS obs 4160 (BD) 2012-02-04
- PPAS/PNAS-obs 4160 (BD) 2012-02-02
- PPAS/PNASobs 4160 (BD) 2012-02-19
- PPAS/PNASobs 4160 (BD) 2012-02-20
- PPAS/PNASobs 4160 (BD) 2012-02-21
- PPASobs 4160 (BD) 2012-02-01
- PPASobs 4160 (BD) 2012-02-04 correction
- PPASobs 4160 (BD) 2012-02-06 & -08
- PPASobs 4160 (BD) 2012-02-10
- PPASobs 4160 (BD) 2012-02-10 (part 2)
- PPASobs 4160 (BD) 2012-02-11
- Proton rocket launch on Feb 14
- R: 4641 PPAS 25 FEB 2012
- R: MUOS 1: pre-launch estimated orbital elements
- Rocket Body of Navid Satellite May be Venting Fuel
- Russia: Computer crash doomed Phobos-Grunt
- Safir 2 R/B OBJ 38076
- Safir 2 R/B Obj. 38076 eccentricity
- Safir 2 R/B observation
- Safir 2 R/B seen
- sar lupe 4 obs and orbit
- satellite that's been up there awhile predicted to decay next month = Meteor 1-1
- SATOBS 2012 February 02
- SATOBS 2012 February 10
- SATOBS 2012 February 18
- SATOBS 2012 February 25
- SatObs 4160 (BD) 2012-02-02
- SatObs 4160 (BD) 2012-02-08
- SatObs 4160 (BD) 2012-02-10
- SatObs 4160 (BD) 2012-02-11
- SatObs 4160 (BD) 2012-02-19
- SatObs 4160 (BD) 2012-02-20
- SatObs 4160 (BD) 2012-02-21
- Satobs 4160 (ND) 2012-02-01
- satobs feb11@ 8597
- satobs feb12@ 8597
- satobs feb13@ 8597
- satobs feb20@ 8597
- satobs feb24@ 8597
- satobs Jan 27 @ 8597
- SATOBS ML (4353), 10 Feb 2012: Navid
- SATOBS ML (4353), 4 Feb 2012: STSS Demo 1
- SATOBS ML (4353),1 Feb 2012: Lacrosse 4
- Seems I seen another unid and orbit
- Short video of unid seen the other day
- Space debris in the spotlight
- Space junk fall in residential area in Brazil.
- ST Obs Feb 19th
- ST Obs Feb 26th 2011
- ST Obs Feb 27/2012
- ST Obs Feb 7th
- There you are = dsp 20 cover
- tiangong-1 orbit
- Unidentified flash over New Mexico Feb 22, 2012
- Unidentified flash over New Mexico Feb 22, 2012â€
- Unidentified flash over New Mexico Feb 22, 2012â€
- Unsubscribe request
- USA-225
- Vega launch
- Vega qualification flight webcast
- video of flashing satellite on website
- Will have to wait a few days to see Lares
- X-37B (OTV 2-1, USA 226) - observation
- XM 1 and 2 geo sat flare
- XM geo sat flare = angled reflector panel
- Yaogan1
Last message date: Wed Feb 29 2012 - 15:05:40 UTC
Archived on: Wed Feb 29 2012 - 15:05:41 UTC
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