SatObs 01 June 2009

Date: Mon Jun 01 2009 - 09:28:54 UTC

  • Next message: Ted Molczan: "TJM obs of 2009 Jun 01 UTC"

    AMS 1(DMSP F1)
    09415 76 091A   8039 G 20090601025511930 17 25  1748018+323935 37 S
    09415 76 091A   8039 G 20090601025519180 17 25  1739266+301519 37 S
    Meade ETX-70 refractor. f/5 (350mm f.l.) @ 14X.
    Above  Timings may be off a bit off due to poor reception 
    of shortwave  signal.
    Milstar 3
    25724 99 023A   8039 G 20090601043809250 17 25  1359440+054454 67  
    25724 99 023A   8039 G 20090601043836530  17 25 1407697+053450 37  
    25724 99 023A   8039 G  20090601043846190 17 25 1410579+053026 67  
    25724 99 023A    8039 G 20090601043855030 17 25 1413248+052663 77  
    25724 99  023A   8039 G 20090601043925130 17 25 1422216+051391 66   
    25724 99 023A   8039 G 20090601044045160 17 25 1445723+043269  37  
    25724 99 023A   8039 G 20090601044103090 17 25  1450866+042235 37  
    25724 99 023A   8039 G 20090601044149090  17 25 1503945+035330 67  
    25724 99 023A   8039 G  20090601044303350 17 25 1524422+030208 67  
    25724 99 023A    8039 G 20090601044313470 17 25 1527152+025433 67  
    25724 99  023A   8039 G 20090601044701310 17 25 1624407-001180 37
    25724 99  023A   8039 G 20090601044834780 17 25 1645519-013469  37    
    25724 99 023A   8039 G 20090601045347030 17  25 1747164-061681 37    
    25724 99 023A   8039 G  20090601050256780 17 25 1911749-140185 37  
    203mm Newtonian f/6 @ 38X.  Recorded 6 addition coincident  appulses
    that I didn't reduce.  I assume the stars were fainter than the  
    10.5 magnitude limit in my ObsReduce database.
    Peter Gertson
    39.1169 N  76.9489 W  425'  ASL
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