Optical 08 June 2009

From: Greg Roberts (grr@telkomsa.net)
Date: Tue Jun 09 2009 - 14:51:15 UTC

  • Next message: Russell Eberst: "2009JUN8-9.OBS"

    Observations 08 June 2009
    Cosatrak 1 (Computerised satellite Tracking System).
    Camera mount now carries two systems that can be operated
    together as two totally different sytems and computers used.
    Meade DSI Pro II Monochrome CCD camera without filters.
    using integration times of 5 sec min to 25 seconds maximum
    depending on brightness of sky in particular area.No image
    processing done, but some done automatically in the auto reduction
    Used with 4 inch SKYWATCHER refractor- model 1025 - fitted with home
    made focal reducur to give an f/2.56 system. Image scale is 6.56 arc
    sec/pixel and field of view 84.8 x 63.2 arc minutes. Shows 15th
    magnitude stars in real time with reasonably good conditions.
    Exposure time to nearest second inserted into image FITS header
    from PC clock which is automatically checked every minute against
    GPS signal.
    Site 0433 : Longitude 18.51294 deg East, Latitude -33.94058 deg,
    Elevation 10 metres-situated in Pinelands (Cape Town),South Africa
    14675 84 009A   0433 P 20090608192749500 16 15 1059219+060939 28
    14675 84 009A   0433 P 20090608192838500 16 15 1100067+060804 28
    14675 84 009A   0433 P 20090608193000500 16 15 1101211+060529 28  +119 01
    14930 84 037A   0433 P 20090608183542000 16 15 1230375+071433 19  +133 06
    14930 84 037A   0433 P 20090608183811000 16 15 1232593+070402 29  +133 11
    14930 84 037A   0433 P 20090608183936000 16 15 1234196+065755 19  +130 06
    19976 89 035A   0433 P 20090608181212000 16 15 1326163+050850 28  +102 01
    19976 89 035A   0433 P 20090608181354000 16 15 1328196+050526 28  +103 01
    19976 89 035A   0433 P 20090608181547000 16 15 1330365+050140 28  +102 01
    23855 96 026A   0433 P 20090608184320500 16 15 1248378+061341 28  +101 00
    23855 96 026A   0433 P 20090608184442500 16 15 1250094+061009 28  +101 00
    23855 96 026A   0433 P 20090608184547500 16 15 1251225+060720 18  +102 01
    24737 97 008A   0433 P 20090608173320500 16 15 1208211+131444 28  +124 03
    24737 97 008A   0433 P 20090608173505500 16 15 1210072+131254 38  +125 03
    24737 97 008A   0433 P 20090608173716500 16 15 1212201+131033 28  +124 02
    25336 98 029A   0433 P 20090608194109000 16 15 1559364-005805 28  +084 01
    25336 98 029A   0433 P 20090608194154000 16 15 1600224-005917 28  +084 00
    25336 98 029A   0433 P 20090608194251000 16 15 1601196-010050 28  +083 01
    25669 99 017A   0433 P 20090608164900500 16 15 1145210+322253 38  +118 56
    25669 99 017A   0433 P 20090608165305500 16 15 1147317+321315 28  +126 06
    25669 99 017A   0433 P 20090608165637500 16 15 1149280+320501 18  +107 01
    26635 00 080A   0433 P 20090608193228500 16 15 1146193+075132 28  +122 01
    26635 00 080A   0433 P 20090608193334500 16 15 1147249+075053 87  +129 03
    26635 00 080A   0433 P 20090608193456500 16 15 1148471+075003 28  +124 01
    27168 02 001A   0433 P 20090608181943500 16 15 1334471+063646 97
    27168 02 001A   0433 P 20090608182049500 16 15 1335527+063557 28  +111 01
    27168 02 001A   0433 P 20090608182210500 16 15 1337146+063458 87  +111 01
    32287 07 054A   0433 P 20090608175910500 16 15 1525270+033627 28  +121 02
    32287 07 054A   0433 P 20090608180015500 16 15 1526327+033702 77  +122 01
    32287 07 054A   0433 P 20090608180137500 16 15 1527547+033749 28  +131 05
    32379 07 060B   0433 P 20090608175545500 16 15 1702587-300623 38  +082 01
    32379 07 060B   0433 P 20090608175604500 16 15 1705111-302331 38  +082 01
    32379 07 060B   0433 P 20090608175616500 16 15 1706410-303458 38  +087 01
    33490 09 001A   0433 P 20090608162246500 16 15 1251499+035407 28  +087 02
    33490 09 001A   0433 P 20090608162533500 16 15 1254369+035152 27  +084 01
    33490 09 001A   0433 P 20090608162725500 16 15 1256299+035039 18  +083 01
    33490 09 001A   0433 P 20090608193716000 16 15 1606221+021615 28  +084 00
    33490 09 001A   0433 P 20090608193813000 16 15 1607187+021602 28  +084 00
    33490 09 001A   0433 P 20090608193858000 16 15 1608041+021554 28  +084 00
    90030 05 544A   0433 P 20090608183134500 16 15 1133030+123051 28  +123 03
    90030 05 544A   0433 P 20090608183256500 16 15 1134254+122832 18  +118 01
    90030 05 544A   0433 P 20090608183401500 16 15 1135314+122641 97  +118 01
    90040 05 683A   0433 P 20090608173925500 16 15 1042478-144847 18  +121 01
    90040 05 683A   0433 P 20090608174147500 16 15 1044267-150100 28  +118 01
    90040 05 683A   0433 P 20090608174525500 16 15 1046580-151918 98  +122 12
    90074 06 585B   0433 P 20090608174856000 16 15 1022374+105606 19  +136 07
    90074 06 585B   0433 P 20090608175000000 16 15 1023398+105148 19  +131 07
    90074 06 585B   0433 P 20090608175250000 16 15 1026263+104019 19  +124 07
    90083 09 526A   0433 P 20090608170103500 16 15 0855507-092018 19  +088 02
    90083 09 526A   0433 P 20090608170324500 16 15 0902075-185139 48  +086 01
    90083 09 526A   0433 P 20090608170431500 16 15 0905462-243625 68  +076 01
    90083 09 526A   0433 P 20090608170812000 16 15 0926070-514050 28  +104 01
    (1) Conditions poor - much cirrus, bad seeing and bright moon.
    (2) All processed by APEX-II program.
    (3) I still have a few to do manually that were obtained on video-
        hopefully tomorrow.
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    This archive was generated by hypermail 2b29 : Tue Jun 09 2009 - 14:57:52 UTC