I have just witnessed 18 spectacular flashes in the negative magnitude range from the Iridium 33. The show lasted for about 1 minute and a half (!) and the maximum magnitude was of about -4, or even more, for at least 5 consecutive flashes! What an amazing tumbling Satellite! I can not track them right now, but, for tonight, if the satellite passes across Corona Borealis, the show should be visible. If it passes just between Hercules and Boot, it may be worth to take a look anyway. The flashes may take place with the satellite from 15 – 20 degrees of elevation. In my case, they began at 22.01.40 UTC (17 June), with the brightest flash at 00.02.28. In the next days, I will add more details about the satellite’s rotation axis and the flash predictions to my web site: http://digilander.libero.it/SATrack/ Best Regards, Simone Lat. 45.487 N Lon. 8.558 E ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Subscribe/Unsubscribe info, Frequently Asked Questions, SeeSat-L archive: http://www.satobs.org/seesat/seesatindex.html
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