BY Classfied Jun 23 The Rest

From: Brad Young (
Date: Wed Jun 24 2009 - 19:29:38 UTC

  • Next message: Brad Young: "BY Classfd Jun 24"

    Here's the rest of Jun 23.
    24680 96 072A   8335 G 20090623030114270 17 25 1525565+540700 18 S
    24680 96 072A   8335 G 20090623030118140 17 25 1521589+585297 38 S
    24680 96 072A   8335 G 20090623030130140 17 25 1502026+714811 18 S
    96084 96 584A   8335 G 20090623072547890 57 25 1701179-133408 37 S
    96039 96 539A   8335 G 20090623091503560 57 25 1815081-205013 47 S
    The following one was incorrect, as noticed by Mike McCants:
    13637 82 106B   8335 G 20090623032854930 57 25 1816825-172665 18 S
    Mike identified this as CRRES (20712). This amazes me because I had prediction for it but ditched it in favor of 13637! The story has a happy ending, though; as you will see in my next post.
    COSPAR 8335 +35.831, -96.147 1100 ft
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