Updated elements

From: Ted Molczan (ssl3molcz@rogers.com)
Date: Sat Jun 27 2009 - 14:26:01 UTC

  • Next message: Steve Newcomb: "8539 obs June 27"

    Derek Breit, Steve Newcomb, Alberto Rango, Brad Young, and I, contributed
    observations used to determine one or more of the following element sets.
    USA 129                                                  293 X 936 km
    1 24680U 96072A   09178.09786916  .00004045  00000-0  63991-4 0    03
    2 24680  97.8325 230.7777 0459932  49.1876 314.8288 14.83856990    03
    Arc 20090618.81-0627.1 WRMS resid 0.023 totl 0.012 xtrk
    STSS-ATRR r                                              159 X 661 km
    1 34904U 09023B   09178.18225316  .00401063  00000-0  18857-3 0    06
    2 34904 112.5414  12.0588 0369960 253.7579 102.2580 15.51642762    02
    Arc 20090622.35-0627.21 WRMS resid 0.063 totl 0.057 xtrk
    Derek recovered 09023B on a difficult pass (low elevation, very high phase
    angle), running about 1 min early, about 5 days after it was last observed. The
    above elements are fairly rough. Predictions tonight will be uncertain at least
    10 s in time, and ~0.1 deg in track at high elevations. 
    I expect the object to decay about mid-August.
    Ted Molczan
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