Re: Another piece of junk?

From: Greg Roberts (
Date: Mon Jun 29 2009 - 15:26:47 UTC

  • Next message: Russell Eberst: "Re: Another piece of junk?"

    Afternoon Gerhard
    Finally finished reducing my stuff from 27 June 2009 so had a chance to look at 
    your image.
    I am not able to tie it up with anything within a few minutes of your stated 
    time of 16h08m45s UT 27 June 2009 but had no trouble identifying the field. The 
    image is rotated by approx -55 degrees and the field of view is approx 9.4 x 6.2 
    The approximate position of
    start of trail is RA 12h23m27s  Dec -16d12'20"
    end  of trail is RA 12h28m06s  Dec -17d24'59" (J2000)
    Faintest star about mag 10.5-11. Your lens has some field curvature but thats 
    usual for lenses when they cover a reasonable size of sky - of course its of no 
    consequence for normal photography ( but also not a problem for satellites) so 
    nothing to be concerned about. Satellite probably around about mag +3 so dont 
    know why I dont get a match - is your time correct?
    Maybe someone would like to try a bit harder to identify the object now they 
    have the co-ordinates - I must now go and attend to domestic chores or else Ill 
    be in trouble with the boss!
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