Observation of TSS from Siding Spring Mountain

Philip Chien (kc4yer@amsat.org)
Tue, 5 Mar 1996 08:11:18 -0400

>From: "Robert H. McNaught, Anglo-Australian Observatory"
><RMN@AAOCBN1.AAO.GOV.AU> (by way of Anthony Beresford
>Subject: Observation of TSS from Siding Spring Mountain
>I relay an observation by Rob H. Mcnaught
>TSS was very nice.  About 1 deg long, just visible to the naked-eye in the
>twilight at 8 deg elevation due north


Double congrats to Rob Mcnaught

For being the first person here to see the TSS satellite.

and for having your description E-mailed up to the shuttle crew in orbit!

Shuttle crews receive a group of messages, typically twice a day on
two-shift missions.  The messages are sent up via a fax machine and E-mail.
(no, you cannot have the Email address).  The mail includes updates to the
flight plans, news from home, new procedures, sports scores, and items of
general interest.

For flight day 12 Rob Mcnaught and Jay Estes's descriptions of TSS were
passed on to the crew.  I'm not absolutely sure, but I believe the E-mail
here which I forwarded to an associate at the Johnson Space Center was the
one which got sent up to the crew.

Philip Chien, Earth News - space writer and consultant  PCHIEN@IDS.NET
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 Roger, go at throttle up         CHR$(32) the final frontier