> Larry Klaes asked : > Perhaps this is a naive question on my part, but how can you enjoy > satellite observing without caring about what kind of objects you =20 track? No, it's not naive - I may even have a hard time giving an answer that satisfies any other member ! I am mainly interested in details and classes of orbits, method and accuracy of positional, visibility and lifetime predictions, general size, age and kind of object ( active/inactive payload, rocket body, debris ), and to some extent the relation between flashing pattern and rotation period/axis. ------------------------------------------------------------ -- bjorn.gimle@online.dextel.se +46-8-7428086 (home) -- -- bjorn@tt-tech.se +46-8-59095789 (office)-- -- 59.22371 N, 18.22857 E AND member of : -- -- seesat-l@iris01.plasma.mpe-garching.mpg.de -- ------------------------------------------------------------