C*2227 rocket (92-93B,22285) flashing again

Bram Dorreman (a183231@nlevdpsb.snads.philips.nl)
Mon, 11 Mar 1996 20:00:25 -0100

Today I was called by Wim Holwerda (WH) who started observing again.
He told me that 92-93B showed flashes with avg. flash period of 12.5 s.
He observed 96-03-10 about 19:05 UT. May be this is no news, but I have
a lot of SeeSat-L mail to read yet.
Wim also told he observed 95-52 B at 96-03-10 20:16 UT, fp about 24 s.
 Vriendelijke groeten/Kind regards, Bram Dorreman
 Philips C&P TSE-CS-BS, tel: +3140-2788372, fax: +3140-2786810
 OV/VM:    NLEVDPSB.A183231
 Internet: A183231@nlevdpsb.snads.philips.nl