*** THIS IS A MASS MAILING! *** *** READ IMMEDIATLY!! *** All, I am mailing all people who ever hit my page and possibly even more! This is a notification of address change!!! The J.R.W. Satellite Page is now moved to a new server! The change is below: Previous: http://www.nebula.net/~sponge Current: (please goto this one) http://www.gatecom.com/~jrwsat PLEASE update your pointers and your bookmarks! There will be a change of address message on the OLD server for a few weeks but it will be removed and you will be on your own...!!! If you have ANY questions at all please E-Mail me ASAP.... I apologize for be **off-topic** the two ListServers that I sent to and this will be my last Page message for a long time! Also I apologize to anyone I may have sent dupes to, I know I did it but It is almost impossible for me to know who I sent to and who I didn't. Thanks so much for reading this far... :) ---- Josh R. Williams ** JRW Satellite Page ** E-Mail: jrwsat@gatecom.com URL: http://www.gatecom.com/~jrwsat/ --------------------------------------------------------- Latitude: 41 deg 59' 29" N -- Longitude: 83 deg 27' 41" W