Here are the two most recent elsets for OIG: TSS/tether 1 23805U 96012B 96070.48125874 .00649138 00000-0 29630-2 0 553 2 23805 28.4707 165.2306 0050207 337.6989 22.1531 15.79201621 2628 1 23805U 96012B 96071.52721065 .00896935 00000-0 37384-2 0 579 2 23805 28.4725 157.5259 0048211 350.8159 210.6445 15.80734059 2780 The second elset seems to have a much higher drag than I would have expected. (I guess since the drag has been going down instead of up, it's time for it to go up too rapidly.) I have increased my drag factor by 15%. Decay is now predicted for March 19. 1 23805U 96012B 96072.37530000 .00920000 00000-0 40000-2 0 00 2 23805 28.4725 151.2760 0049000 0.9940 359.7650 15.82130000 00 1 23805U 96012B 96073.38380000 .01050000 00000-0 45000-2 0 00 2 23805 28.4725 143.8360 0045000 13.1070 347.6250 15.84120000 00 1 23805U 96012B 96074.39093000 .01220000 00000-0 50000-2 0 00 2 23805 28.4725 136.3970 0041000 25.2210 335.4860 15.86410000 00 1 23805U 96012B 96075.39647000 .01470000 00000-0 56000-2 0 00 2 23805 28.4725 128.9580 0036000 37.3350 323.3460 15.89120000 00 Mike McCants