TSS SatEvo decay prediction

Alan Pickup (alan@wingar.demon.co.uk)
Wed, 13 Mar 1996 20:07:18 +0000

OIG gave me the following latest element for the (untethered) TSS:
1 23805U 96012B   96073.57254860  .01070042  43572-3  40746-2 0   631
2 23805  28.4700 142.4175 0043993  15.7022 344.4961 15.84807518  3113

from which I predict decay at about March 20.5 (4 hours after the vernal

My SatEvo evolution of this element for the next three days:
1 23805U 96012B   96074.01317375  .01133917  51423-4  00000-0 0 90634
2 23805  28.4698 139.1564 0042575  21.0141 339.1599 15.85778067  3183
1 23805U 96012B   96075.01926523  .01315026  70094-4  00000-0 0 90634
2 23805  28.4694 131.6918 0039145  33.1732 327.0693 15.88232474  3347
1 23805U 96012B   96076.02366636  .01569545  10196-3  00000-0 0 90632
2 23805  28.4688 124.2105 0035392  45.3595 314.9282 15.91113885  3503

 Alan Pickup | Home lat. 55d53m48.7s N | Royal Observatory, Blackford
 Edinburgh   |      long. 3d11m51.2s W |      Hill, Edinburgh EH9 3HJ
 Scotland    | alan@wingar.demon.co.uk |           A.Pickup@roe.ac.uk
             |   +44 (0)131 477 9144   |          +44 (0)131 668 8224