SeeSat-L Members Page

Bart De Pontieu (BDP@MPEPL)
Thu, 14 Mar 1996 18:20:22 +0100 (CET)

Hi everyone,

Neil and I have just finished adding and upgrading several pages of the
Visual satellite observer's Home Page. We've upgraded the decay-page which now
mirrors Goddard's report and also contains Bjorn Gimle's most recent
report, and the page with links to other WWW resources.

We have also created a new page which contains links to the home page of
SeeSat-L members (that's you that is). This page could be one way to get
to know the e-mail friends you've made on SeeSat-L a little bit better.
Currently only Neil's and my home page are on there. If you want us to
add a link to your home page, please contact us. If you want your picture
on that page, that's possible too. I remember there was a brief discussion
of that topic in August last year [collecting pictures of SeeSat-ers so
people get a better mental image of them].

Here's the URL's:

VSO home page at :
              or :

SeeSat-L Members Page at:

The German and English sites are (almost) identical twins, by the way.

   Bart De Pontieu <>