Here are the most recent elsets from OIG: TSS/tether 1 23805U 96012B 96077.08770769 .01843382 18694-2 43333-2 0 795 2 23805 28.4740 116.1752 0031182 59.9497 300.4138 15.95205582 3673 1 23805U 96012B 96077.46282432 +.02373500 +38702-2 +52134-2 0 00985 2 23805 028.4771 113.3544 0030474 066.5686 293.8131 15.96958132003734 1 23805U 96012B 96078.14941130 +.02738026 +67659-2 +51309-2 0 00904 2 23805 028.4769 108.1576 0026572 076.1855 284.2211 16.00653673003840 1 23805U 96012B 96078.27404442 .02932343 90871-2 54136-2 0 842 2 23805 28.4742 107.2172 0025119 74.7808 285.5625 16.01538841 3866 1 23805U 96012B 96078.46087118 .03128032 13387-1 56511-2 0 859 2 23805 28.4740 105.7892 0024831 83.4788 276.8633 16.02948110 3890 I am now predicting decay for March 19.9 (+/- 3 hours) This is unfavorable for the US. However, my drag program has consistently predicted a re-entry sooner than what will occur. So there is a chance it may still be up as late as March 20.3. There would be a pass over Florida at March 20.21 = March 20 at 5:00UT. Mike McCants