(Lutz Schindler) asks: > >What is the size of the ET from the shuttle and is it possible >to observe the ET in daylight with binoculars when it passed >over bevor decay ? remember that the ET only makes about half an orbit before it reenters the Earth's atmosphere, spashing down in either the Indian or Pacific ocean depending on the launch azimuth and exact trajectory. As a guess I don't think it would be visible during the daytime since the background sky is too dark. Although I'd suspect that with an afternoon or evening launch from the Cape it might to be possible to spot the ET in Europe, Northern Africa, or Western Asia using the same visual requirements as for viewing satellites (ET in sunlight with viewer in twilight or darkness). Viewers in the far Eastern Asia, various Pacific Islands, and Hawaii under certain circumstances can see the ET burn up during reentry. There's at least one person in Hawaii who has successfully photographed the ET as it burns a trail across the sky. Philip Chien, Earth News - space writer and consultant PCHIEN@IDS.NET __ __^__ __________ | \ +---/ \---+ (========= |____\___________ +---\_____/---+ // >____)| | \__ \ \______//___ >/ |________| \ [ _____\ >|____________________\ \_______/ Roger, go at throttle up CHR$(32) the final frontier