plot of TSS altitude vs. time

Philip Chien (
Tue, 19 Mar 1996 02:59:00 -0400

I've made a graph of the TSS's perigee and apogee and period vs. time from
the time it was 'deployed' from the shuttle through a couple of days ago.

Neil Clifford has placed it at the seesat archive at:

Philip Chien, Earth News - space writer and consultant  PCHIEN@IDS.NET
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  |____\___________              +---\_____/---+     //
  >____)|        | \__                    \  \______//___
 >/     |________|    \                   [         _____\
 >|____________________\                   \_______/
 Roger, go at throttle up         CHR$(32) the final frontier