It looks "bad". Here are today's 5 elsets from OIG: 1 23805U 96012B 96079.02025515 .04199051 33236-1 59704-2 0 880 2 23805 28.4733 101.5000 0019786 87.7624 272.5276 16.08164420 3982 1 23805U 96012B 96079.20627344 .04783779 44766-1 57111-2 0 895 2 23805 28.4322 100.0230 0026924 64.0181 296.2558 16.10409589 4015 1 23805U 96012B 96079.51557779 .07009649 18658+0 71967-2 0 909 2 23805 28.4735 97.6907 0015109 102.0208 258.3082 16.15977743 4064 1 23805U 96012B 96079.57727881 .05865802 27522+0 72095-2 0 911 2 23805 28.4725 97.2081 0013649 103.1471 257.0944 16.17483952 4073 1 23805U 96012B 96079.63893078 .11809260 -74753-5 60710-2 0 920 2 23805 28.4650 96.7362 0011176 106.4936 253.7201 16.19069509 4081 The last two elsets agree very well with my second numerical integration (from yesterday) that gives a decay on March 19 about 23:15 hours UT. There is still a lot of uncertainty, but I cannot run a numerical intgration from this computer system. Mike McCants (days) (nights)