I have the following from Maj. Steve Boylan, USSPACECOM: The Chinese Satellite to the best of our knowledge reentered the Earth's atmosphere over the Mid South Atlantic at 0405 GMT 12 March 96, and if it survived reentry (we don't know if it did) it should have gone into the South Atlantic Ocean. We had reports from Brazil TV that they had several reports of a sighting of a fireball over the ocean at the time we predicted the reentry. Thats all the confirmation that we have. On the Tethered Satellite. It was predicted to reenter the Earth's atmosphere at 5:55 pm [EST I guess: Neil] on March 19th. Our prediction was that it entered over the mid Atlantic Ocean. We did not expect this satellite to survive reentry since it was designed to return in the shuttle. We have had no reports of sightings on this reentry. regards, -- Neil Clifford <n.clifford@physics.oxford.ac.uk> http://www.physics.ox.ac.uk/sat/satintro.html