Subject: PRIORITY LIST The Optical Tracking Working Group revised its list of priority satellites at its meeting at the Royal Society, London on 1996 March 19. The revised list, operating from 1996 April 1 is given below: Reasons for inclusion in list, given in brackets after satellite, are explained a little more fully at end of list Priority. 1 1984-106A (14) 1985-100B (13) 1988-21B (14) 2 1970-34B (ar) 1989-100A (D) 1990-46A (14) 3 1975-72B (ar) 1966-56H (aao,D?) 1995-52B (D) 4 1964-01A (zh) 1967-104B (zh,15) 1978-64A (zh) 5 1965-98C (ar) 1994-74B (fl) 1973-107B(14) 6 1978-94A (D) 1986-17A (br) 1991-17B (aao) 7 1979-20B (ar) 1989-67A (G) 1992-30J (fl) 8 1988-78A (aao) 1995-21A (L) 1992-23A (aao) 9 1988-106B (aao) 1991-17A (aao) 1994-77B (fl) 10 1984-12 (aao) 1988-102B (B) 1990-50 (aao) 11 1990-46B (B) 1991-63B (ad) 1991-76 (aao) 12 1965-27A (lsr) 1972-23E (ad) 1988-39B (B) 13 1983-44A (29) 1996-10A (ar,ad) 14 1993-17C (ad) 15 1981-50B (fl) 16 1970-89B (zh) 17 1971-116B (fl) 18 1971-93B (UK) 19 1971-93A (UK) 20 Temporary objects Reasons for inclusion (aao) for amateur analysis of orbit (ad) determining air density and its variations (ar) determining atmospheric rotational speed (B) bright satellite suitable for beginners (D) for observation near to decay (G) geostationary satellite (L) for observation by laser (fl) for analysis of flash period and magnitude (lsr) for analysis of lunisolar resonance (UK) the only UK-launched satellite and rocket in orbit (zh) evaluating odd zonal harmonics in Earth's gravitational field (13) evaluating 13th-order harmonics in E.g.f. at resonance (14) evaluating 14th-order harmonics in E.g.f. at resonance (15) evaluating 15th-order harmonics in E.g.f. at resonance (29) evaluating 29th-order harmonics in E.g.f. at resonance