>> ... Hyakutake ... ephemeris on the Web and decided I didn't have >> enough math to convert it to something useable. ... >> Don (Earth satellite) TLE's can not really be made for comets, since they are not in earth orbit. Although you could try elcor (ftp://ftp.physics.ox.ac.uk/pub/sat/programs/ibmpc/pelcor.zip) the comet moves faster than a satellite, so an approximate orbit would be too close to Earth, and show considerable daily parallax. The Moon is more reasonable (and I have seen some "TLE's"), but why not use Rob Matson's SkyMap, which computes and/or displays Moon position to arcsecond accuracy (or better?) ------------------------------------------------------------ -- b_gimle@algonet.se +46-8-7428086 (home) -- -- bjorn@tt-tech.se +46-8-59095789 (office)-- -- 59.22371 N, 18.22857 E AND member of : -- -- seesat-l@iris01.plasma.mpe-garching.mpg.de -- ------------------------------------------------------------