If what these guys saw was the same thing, you'd have to rule out an atmospheric phenomenon -- Huntsville's a long way from Massachusetts! Perhaps the two New England observers saw one thing, and the Huntsville observer another. Nevertheless, to satisfy my curiosity I did a search of Alan Thompson's latest list of 4000+ sats to see if anything might have re-entered at about the right time, as seen from Huntsville. Didn't come up with anything good. One remote possibility, that others might want to play with: NORAD #23583. The elements are a couple weeks old for this guy, and the only name I have for it is 1995-020C. But it DID make a pass in the right part of the sky and parallel to the horizon moving left to right under the bowl of the Big Dipper. The 10-day old elements (at the time of the pass) gave a time of around 1:35am, but if you increase the drag you can back that time up to 1:05am with no problem. Of course, it would help to know what this object is (was?).