92- 8 B = 21876 92- 8 B 96-03-14 21:06 JVS 186.8 0.8 20 9.34 92- 8 B 96-03-23 04:12 JEV 92.7 0.3 10 9.27 AA, 4->inv 92- 8 B 96-03-23 20:02 KJ 280.1 0.8 30 9.34 92- 8 B 96-03-27 20:05 KJ 169.6 0.5 18 9.42 mag +3.5->inv 92- 8 B 96-03-27 20:08 KJ 171.2 0.5 18 9.51 syn effect! Yesterday evening, I observed it for more then five minutes and could detect the synodic effect from my timings of all flashes. [Of course these two PPAS-entries only give an indication of this effect] The acceleration has indeed stopped and the period is already going up again. Happy observing, Kurt Jonckheere (kjonckheere@unicall.be)