By the display on the NASA satellite channel (the computer one that = shows orbiter posittion and attitude), it was on its side, with the = wings towards the earth. As opposed to the cargo bay pointing that = direction. The payload bay doors are closed and secured at this time , = and during the last pass, which I missed due to a good movie :-( . Walter ---------- From: Tristan Cools[] Sent: March 30, 1996 2:53 AM To: Subject: Mir, Atlantis I had a last chance to observe Mir and Atlantis(and Hyakutake...) this (early) morning. At 0318UT the first and most brilliant object(which I presume was Atlantis) was preceding what was probably Mir with a = distance of about 32 degrees. I was very much surprised by the brightness of = Atlantis which reached magnitude -3. Does anyone know in which mode they were = flying ? Were they flying with the payload doors open or closed ? The second object(Mir ?) had a brightness of magnitude -1. Tristan Cools