SeeSat-L Mar-96 by subject
Starting: Wed Feb 28 1996 - 00:00:-14133 MET
Ending: Mon Apr 01 1996 - 00:00:-79713 MET
Messages: 366
- (no subject)
- ++ Reminder ++
- +++ Election Notice +++
- 3-21-96 Shuttle Status Report
- 87027B instead of 92093B flashing
- 91 59 B = 21667
- 92- 8B / Comet
- 93 63H and 96 12B elsets from OIG
- 93-36 B
- 94-72A #23336
- A "line" over Venus
- ACCELERATION REPORT 10 Mar 96 : 93- 36 B
- ACCELERATION REPORT 11 Mar 96 : 93- 36 B
- ACCELERATION REPORT 12 Mar 96 : 93- 36 B
- ACCELERATION REPORT 16 Mar 96 : 92- 8 B
- ACCELERATION REPORT 25 Mar 96 : 89- 28 B, ...
- ACCELERATION REPORT 28 Mar 96 : 89- 28 B, 91- 81 B,...
- ACCERATION REPORT: 28 Mar 96 (addendum): 84- 19 B = 14760
- An astrodynamics question
- Anik E1 Down
- BRIGHT tether!
- C* 1933, Comet Hyakutake, (un)tether, green flash
- C* 1953, Comet Hyakutake, (un)tether, green flash
- C*2227 rocket (92-93B,22285) flashing again
- C*397 AZ decayed Mar.07
- C2322R stopped flashing
- Celestial BBS
- Comet Graphics & Ephemerides
- Cosmos 1933 + other obs
- Cosmos 397
- Decay preds: TSS & Interbol 1 rocket
- Decays
- Decays (TSS)
- Echoes from the past
- Estimating Tether Magnitudes
- ET
- EUROpean Satellite Observers Meeting (EUROSOM) 2
- Flashing
- FSW-1 / 93-63H / 22870 decay
- FSW-1 / 93-63H / 22870 decay (and others
- FSW-1 and TSS decay predictions
- FSW-1 decay
- FSW-1 Re-entry
- FSW-1 SatEvo decay predictions
- FSW-1 SatEvo decay preds update
- FSW/TSS - images on ftp site.
- FSW1 and TSS (SATEVO) decay predictions
- Further reflections on the tether
- FW: re hearsat
- FW: RE: Mir - very bright
- FWD: NOSS satellites and magnitudes
- FWD> Hubble
- FWD> Tether brightness and
- FWD> Tether for L.A. Friday
- FWD> Tether orientation and
- FWD> Tether visibility in d
- Geostationary satellites
- Going away...
- GREAT TSS Pass over Central FL
- greetings
- hearsat
- How good ARE TSS predict
- How good ARE TSS predictions from now on?
- Howdy all
- Hubble
- Hyakutake
- Hyperbolic
- Indian sat
- Intoduction
- Intro
- Introduction
- Jian Bing 93 decay prediction
- Jian Bing 93 decay predictions
- Jianbing
- Jianbing-93
- KH 11-8, "KH 11-9", and "KH 12-1" ??
- Larry's satellites
- Launches - directional
- Launches - directional, a local view
- Look! Up in the Sky!
- McCants' QUICKSAT.MAG file
- MIR configuration?
- Mir in moonlight?
- Mir or Atlantis?
- Mir, Atlantis
- More on TSS/FSW re-entries.
- My contribution to seeing TSS
- My contribution to viewing TSS
- My Mistake
- My vote
- Mystery streak
- Mystery streaks
- New Subscriber
- New version of TLEMOP
- No Comets on Seesat-L, please
- NOSS cluster's
- Object seen near Venus (forwarded post)
- Observation of TSS from Siding Spring Mountain
- observations
- Observations 96-03-08
- observations 96-03-12 evening
- Observations 960309 evening
- Observations 960310 evening
- Observations 960311 evening
- Observations 960313 evening
- Observations 960331
- Observations february 1996
- OIG elements
- OIG reports. (60day-decay in my FSW mail
- OIG tle's
- Orbital Elements for space craft
- Page address change! READ!!!!!!
- Payload bay doors...
- Personal summary
- plot of TSS altitude vs. time
- Polar satellite
- Prospero Observation
- Quicksat (fwd)
- QuickSat for Linux?
- re hearsat
- RE: MIR configuration?
- RE: Mir, Atlantis
- RE: Payload bay doors...
- RE: seesat-d Digest V96 #39
- RE: South Korean satellite?
- RE: your mail (on C*397 AZ decay)
- Re[2]: Mystery streak
- Read this BEFORE you vote, please
- real long message - JPG attached
- reentry burn
- request
- Request for TSS Observations
- Satelite Tracking Program
- Satellite Identification - March 12.
- Satellite identified
- satellites joining Hyakutake
- SatEvo decay list
- saw tether
- seesat-d Digest V96 #54
- seesat-d Digest V96 #69
- seesat-d Digest V96 #70
- SeeSat-L Members Page
- SeeSat.sig
- Short Introduction
- shuttle and mir
- Sighting of TSS from Hawaii
- Sighting of TSS from near Sydney Australia
- Simplified tether orientation
- Simulated Launches - directional, a local view
- Simulated Launches - directional, a local view (fwd)
- Skipper 1995-072A (23752)
- Skipper 23752
- SkyMap
- SkyMap Confusion
- SkyMap v1.0
- SoCal tether pass - Tues. a
- Solar transit of STS-75
- South Korean satellite?
- Space Shuttle Info
- Spy sats and the Great Comet of 1996
- Spy sats on Discovery Channel March 11.
- STS 76 and MIR
- STS leading Mir
- STS Leading Mir, STS reentry viewing
- STS-75 re-entry.
- STS-75 transit for Florida
- STS-76 Early Landing...
- STS-76 ground re-entry groundtracks.
- STS-76 Landing Opportunities 3/31/96
- STS-76 Re-Entry
- SV: Mystery streak
- SV: Observations
- SV: Satelite Tracking Program
- SV: Satellite Identification - March 12.
- SV: The chase is on
- SV: your mail (on C*397 AZ decay)
- Temporarily unreachable ?
- Tether "meteor"
- Tether brightness and analysis
- Tether develops bright lower end
- Tether for L.A. Friday a.m.
- Tether length-to-width
- tether observation
- Tether observed
- Tether orbit and prediction
- Tether orientation and mag
- Tether paradoxes
- Tether picture in AW&ST
- Tether Puzzlement
- Tether Puzzlement Resolved (pun intended)
- Tether Sighting
- Tether still spectacular
- Tether visibility in daylight?
- Thanks for satellite ID.
- The chase is on
- The Great Comet of 1996, Mir, STS-76
- TLE's for launch position
- TLE's for WOTS!
- TLE's for WOTS!/Hyperbolic
- TSS - almost gone
- TSS - Dumb Question
- TSS and Interbol 1 Rk de
- TSS and Interbol 1 Rk decay predictions
- TSS Approach Forecast
- TSS decay - the final orbits
- TSS decay info
- TSS decay prediction
- TSS decay prediction, CI
- TSS decay prediction, CIS rocket prediction
- TSS Image
- TSS in the morning
- TSS into shadow video
- TSS movie.
- TSS Obs
- TSS Observation
- TSS Observation from 40.5 N latitude
- TSS observation from Florida Space Coast
- TSS observation from N. Florida
- TSS Observation from N. Florida MAR/13/96
- TSS page.
- TSS photos
- TSS report from N. Florida Mar /12/ 96
- TSS SatEvo decay prediction
- TSS sighting
- tss sighting?
- TSS Sightings
- TSS time correction/L.A. Fr
- TSS visibility
- TSS visual sighting from Florida
- TSS/tether / 96-12B / 23805 decay
- TSS/tether re-entry
- Two satellite ID requests
- Usenet and visual satellite observing
- USENET newsgroup issue
- UseSat-L
- Video of TSS
- Viewing jpeg images
- Welcome
- Welcome to Theo Vermeesch
- Welcome, and STS visits Mir
- You can change your vote if you want
- your mail
- Zenit accelerations
Last message date: Mon Apr 01 1996 - 00:00:-79713 MET
Archived on: Wed 22 Oct 1997 - 12:12:18 MET
This archive was generated by hypermail 1.02.