Optical 06 May 2010

From: Greg Roberts (grr@telkomsa.net)
Date: Fri May 07 2010 - 13:38:03 UTC

  • Next message: Kevin Fetter: "Directv 12 moving to 103 degrees West"

    Observations 06 MAY 2010:
    Cosatrak 1 (Computerised satellite Tracking System).
    MINTRON low light level CCD surveillance camera (0.005 lux typical
    in non integration mode) and 0.00005 lux in STARLIGHT mode with 128
    frame integration.
    Two optical systems set up to form an "optical fence" approx 14.5 degrees
    wide in azimuth and about 20 degrees wide in elevation, using a 25mm focal
    length f/1.4 lens with the MINTRON camera using approx 2 second exposures
    and another 25mm focal length lens at f/1.8 and 3-4 second exposures.
    LEO satellite limit is about mag +7 to +7.5 roughly.
    Another lens - 12.5mm f/1.9 lens can also be employed and field is about
    29 x 22 degrees but was not used this time.Because of the smaller aperture
    the LEO satellite limit is probably around mag +4 to +5.
    Site 0433 : Longitude 18.51294 deg East, Latitude  33.94058 deg S,
    Elevation 10 metres - situated in Pinelands (Cape Town), South Africa
    90077 07 757A   0433 F 20100506180154400 56 15 0725460+132244 39  +050 05
    90077 07 757A   0433 F 20100506180159800 56 15 0735240+132739 39  +050 05
    90077 07 757A   0433 F 20100506180203300 56 15 0741310+133017 39  +050 05
    90077 07 757A   0433 F 20100506180206800 56 15 0748290+133450 39  +050 05
    90077 07 757A   0433 F 20100506180212400 56 15 0758410+134038 39  +050 05
    SL-3 R/B
    05918 72 022B   0433 F 20100506164903100 56 15 1112210+233115 39  +045 05
    METEOR 2-15
    17290 87 001A   0433 F 20100506165207000 56 15 1117460+270751 39  +052 05
    SL-3 R/B
    08846 76 043B   0433 F 20100506165453000 56 15 1102350+263311 39  +055 05
    SL-3 R/B
    06257 72 085B   0433 F 20100506170524000 56 15 1057290+294958 39  +050 05
    ATLAS CENTAUR ROCKET - nice flash
    12069 80 087B   0433 F 20100506171057000 56 15 1043320+252033 39  +036 05
    12069 80 087B   0433 F 20100506171112500 56 15 1106110+252152 39  +025 05
    SL-14 R/B
    14373 83 099B   0433 F 20100506171429000 56 15 1113570+243859 39  +042 05
    DELTA 2 R/B
    24809 97 025B   0433 F 20100506171521000 56 15 1120340+184740 39  +043 05
    COSMOS 1943
    19119 88 039A   0433 F 20100506171521000 56 15 1121170+210226 39  +035 05
    32476 08 002A   0433 F 20100506171830200 56 15 1102530+194752 39  +040 05
    DELTA 1 R/B
    10062 77 048B   0433 F 20100506172127000 56 15 1100220+282145 39  +035 05
    COSMOS 1602
    15331 84 105A   0433 F 20100506173800000 56 15 0952270+233119 39  +035 05
    SL-14 R/B
    17291 87 001B   0433 F 20100506175542100 56 15 0755290+160010 39  +055 05
    IRIDIUM 36
    24967 97 056C   0433 F 20100506175706700 56 15 0807000+160224 39  +070 05
    24792 97 020A   0433 F 20100506175706700 56 15 0806530+174013 39  +070 05
    HELIO 1B
    25977 99 064A   0433 F 20100506175828400 56 15 0821540+160508 39  +040 05
    (1) Purpose of the "optical fence" and tracking was to try and locate
        the X37-B spaceplane. A plane scan was done from twilight until
        about75 minutes later. However due to passing cloud and a short rain
        shower about 20% of the scan was "lost". X37-B was not seen in the
        clear bits.
        However the elevation setting was biased a bit too much high on the
        scan because of the low elevation so the failure to see X37-B does not
        mean it wasnt somewhere near so the plane scans will be repeated until
        it is found.
    (2) One "unknown" was seen and with their usual detective skills Ted and
        Mike determined it was 90077 which has been lost for about 6 months.
        Mike provided the plane scan used. Provided it stays clear I will be
        trying again tonight when the elevation is somewhat higher which means
        a brighter satellite. The satellite is variable with a short period of 
        a second or so.
    (3) Many thanks to Ted,Mike and Scott for their assistance.
    (4) Unfortunately it looks like my winter rainy season has started a bit 
        this year.
    Seesat-l mailing list

    This archive was generated by hypermail 2b29 : Fri May 07 2010 - 13:39:55 UTC