BY Classfd May 8

From: Brad Young (
Date: Sat May 08 2010 - 22:45:47 UTC

  • Next message: Bram Dorreman: "RE: Topex tumbling observation"

    Saw a few last night, until the cold wind did me in. Saw a strange flasher at 10h18m -4 @ 3:11:06, drifting east a bit, may have been GOES 6 (14050, 83-41A), but period was <2s.
    10508 77 114A   8335 E 20100508025118940 57 25 1255928-120219 37 R
    10508 77 114A   8335 E 20100508025236960 57 25 1257107-120825 77 R
    10508 77 114A   8335 E 20100508025452650 57 25 1259382-122015 97 R
    10508 77 114A   8335 E 20100508025739280 57 25 1301993-123513 37 R
    10508 77 114A   8335 E 20100508025911940 57 25 1303472-124309 57 R
    29250 06 027B   8335 E 20100508034457280 17 25 1446071+004538 57 S
    29250 06 027B   8335 E 20100508034537340 17 25 1447542+015809 77 S
    29250 06 027B   8335 E 20100508034608960 17 25 1448719+025321 27 S
    COSPAR 8335 +35.831, -96.147 1100 ft
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