RE: Topex tumbling observation

From: Bram Dorreman (
Date: Sun May 09 2010 - 00:49:44 UTC

  • Next message: Marco Langbroek: "-5 mag USA 186 flare!"

    This e-mail is about the flash period of 22076 1992-052A Topex/Poseidon.
    This satellite was observed by different observers at different locations
    and at different times. When I observe this object I try to pick it up in
    high transits as early as possible. This gives me the opportunity to catch
    as many maxima as possible. When following this satellite I use a small
    voicerecorder and comment on every maximum, such as
    -	the type of maximum: flash, ondulating or flat (in PPAS: F, A or M)
    -	the brightness
    -	if applicable: color
    Afterwards I import these data in an observation sheet and try to find
    when a flash pattern repeats. Often this is possible and I believe the
    time between the start of succesive similar patterns is the flash period.
    The reason for collecting as many data as possible is that a flash pattern
    often changes while the transit progresses, due to the changing geometry
    satellite-sun-observer. Some maxima become less impressive others change
    of character such as ondulating maxima are "flashy".
    Here follow the PPAS-observations of last two years.
    Most observers have reckognised the same period like I found.
    Sometimes they report a probably half period as period.
    We can see the period is decreasing.
    Any new flash period observation is welcome and can be sent to SeeSat.
    I’ll pick them up and add them to the PPAS-database.
    Apply font "Courier New" to have a nice display.
    92- 52 A 08-05-17 02:28:59   BY  226.6 0.4  18 12.59  A'F'; +3->6
    92- 52 A 08-05-18 02:52:58   BY  333.5 0.3  25 13.34  A'F'; +3->inv; b11)
    92- 52 A 08-06-10 00:18:25.9 BD  163.7 0.2   6 27.3   AF'; +1.8->inv; b12)
    92- 52 A 08-06-10 22:46:09.9 BD   54.8 0.2   2 27.4   AF'; b13)
    92- 52 A 08-06-11 00:40      BD  184.0 0.3   7 26.3   A'F; +1.0->inv; b14)
    92- 52 A 08-06-16 23:06:42.7 BD  220.7 0.7   8 27.6   FaA'; +1.0->7.8; b15)
    92- 52 A 08-06-22 04:40:20   BY   52.9 0.5   3 17.6   A'FF; +6->inv
    92- 52 A 08-06-28 21:50:11.0 BD  244.6 0.3   9 27.18  b16)
    92- 52 A 08-07-02 04:36:41   BY  270.1 0.3  10 27.01  A'F; -1->7
    92- 52 A 08-07-05 03:47:24   BY  144.2 0.4   6 24.0   A'F; +5->inv
    92- 52 A 08-07-07 02:39:25   BY   69.9 0.5   3 23.3   F' +4->8; b17)
    92- 52 A 08-07-08 03:00:32   BY  161.5 0.5   7 23.1   F'A'AA; +2->inv
    92- 52 A 08-09-15 02:53:48   BY  427.1 0.5  17 25.12  A'FAF; +1->inv; b18)
    92- 52 A 08-09-17 01:40:13   BY  124.1 0.5   5 24.8   A; +5->9
    92- 52 A 08-09-18 02:03:21   BY  126.0 0.5   5 25.2   A; +4->inv; 1X
    92- 52 A 08-11-05 01:07:49   BY  241.7 0.4  10 24.17  FA'F; +4->inv; b19)
    92- 52 A 08-11-09 00:41:58   BY  190.7 0.9  11 17.3   A; +3->inv; b20)
    92- 52 A 08-11-10 01:03:12   BY   94.7 0.5   4 23.7   F'A; +3->inv; 1X; b21)
    92- 52 A 09-01-11 19:00:27.9 AR  158.7 0.3   7 22.67  A'f'F'A'; b22)
    92- 52 A 09-01-22 00:31:53   BY  183.7 1.0  20  9.2   A; +5->8; b23)
    92- 52 A 09-01-28 19:46:07.1 AR   67.2 1.0   3 22.4   A; +6.5->inv; b24)
    92- 52 A 09-02-12 19:39:34.0 AR  178.7 1.0   8 22.3   A; +6.5->inv; b25)
    92- 52 A 09-02-28 20:02:35.2 AR  133.5 0.2   6 22.24  F'aAF'; b26)
    92- 52 A 09-04-20 22:50:33.7 BD   65.3 0.3   3 21.8   Irr; +2.5->inv; b27)
    92- 52 A 09-05-30 02:02:17.3 BD  230.4 0.3  11 20.9   M'A' ssf; +2.0->inv
    92- 52 A 09-06-19 20:33:25.5 AR  205.6 0.5  10 20.56  A; 5.5->inv; b32)
    92- 52 A 09-08-05 01:21:26.4 BD  159.8 0.1   8 19.98  F; +4.5->inv; b28)
    92- 52 A 09-08-19 23:15:28.9 BD   59.9 0.2   3 20.0   F'aa; +1.5->inv; b29)
    92- 52 A 09-08-23 22:52:31.5 BD  240.7 0.2  12 20.06  A'Faa; +1.0->inv; b30)
    92- 52 A 09-08-31 21:57:13.1 BD  316.3 0.2  16 19.77  a'F; +1.3->inv
    92- 52 A 09-09-01 03:29:34   BY  376.3 0.4  19 19.81  A'A(F)AA(F); b31)
    92- 52 A 09-09-05 21:54:12.3 BD  130.2 0.3   7 18.6   FA=>ff=>inv; +4.0->inv
    92- 52 A 09-10-24 02:26:35   BY  146.3 0.5  15  9.76  FA'F 6->inv; b33)
    92- 52 A 10-02-21 19:20:54.8 AR  241.6 0.5  19 18.59  F'aaaF'; b34)
    All these observations, with short comments such as flash pattern and
    magnitudes and references to a comments file are available on
    Mike McCants website:
    Site 4160: 51.27931 N, 5.47683 E (WGS84), 35 m
    Bram Dorreman (PPAS collector)
    Seesat-l mailing list

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