amazing 3D ISS video taken from ground telescope

From: George Roberts (
Date: Thu May 13 2010 - 15:06:01 UTC

  • Next message: Ralf Vandebergh: "ISS-Cupola and P1 rad flare final image"
    This is a "cross eyed" 3D depiction meaning the left eye image is on the right. 
    The 3D effect is excellent.  It takes a lot of practice to do this 3D technique 
    but it is very useful once you've learned it.  As there are lots of cross-eyed 
    3D pictures on the internet.  Here is some okay instructions:
    Even if you are unwilling to spend 5 minutes learning how to view 3D pictures, 
    it is still a great video in 2D.
    - George Roberts 
    Seesat-l mailing list

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