TML obs of 2010 May 21 UTC

From: Tim Luton (
Date: Sun May 23 2010 - 13:27:58 UTC

  • Next message: Russell Eberst: "2010MAY22-23.OBS"

    Here are my observations of X-37B OTV-1, the morning after it was
    discovered picking up one minute behind Ted's observations.
    36514 10 015A   8536 G 20100521083723661 56 25 1431765+435826 37 S+035 10
    36514 10 015A   8536 G 20100521083754993 56 25 1551516+551542 37 S+035 10
    36514 10 015A   8536 G 20100521083832464 56 25 1951314+601591 37 S+035 10
    36514 10 015A   8536 G 20100521083859125 56 25 2211353+470888 37 S+035 10
    36514 10 015A   8536 G 20100521083923450 56 25 2310148+334606 37 S+035 10
    IOD format:
    Tim Luton, Suffolk, Virginia, USA
    Site 8536: 36.8479 N, 76.5010 W, 4 meters. 
    Seesat-l mailing list

    This archive was generated by hypermail 2b29 : Sun May 23 2010 - 13:30:05 UTC