X37 B located

From: Greg Roberts (grr@telkomsa.net)
Date: Sun May 23 2010 - 13:58:02 UTC

  • Next message: Ralf Vandebergh: "{Spam?} Fw: 2010/04/19 STS-131 addional image 2"

    Afternoon all
    For the record here is my discovery observation report of X37B:
    Subject: Tonight 20 May 2010
    Date: 20 May 2010 08:51 PM S.A.S.T (16:51 UT)
    Camera video field of view 14.6 x 10.8 degrees set on Mikes scan for 99450
    36514 10 015A   0433 F 20100520163143700 56 15 0743230+091219 39  +045 05
    36514 10 015A   0433 F 20100520163151300 56 15 0801440+112213 39  +045 05
    36514 10 015A   0433 F 20100520163155400 56 15 0811250+123055 39  +045 05
    36514 10 015A   0433 F 20100520163202000 56 15 0827230+142306 39  +045 05
    (1) Scan scheduled to start 16h33m01s UT at az 330.85 el 40.55 degrees so
        I was waiting for it to get dark enough but had both the video recorder
        and the CCD camera operating.
    (2) Object came, about correct speed and expected magnitude and correct
        track angle. I dont find a match in my database which is now a few days
        old so it might be something running a bit "off time".
    (3) The sky was still rather bright so not many reference stars - about 6 or
        7 in the field of view so fitted image as best possible to GUIDE map.
    (4) I have NOT yet checked the CCD camera - I suspect it would have been
        too faint for the  lens but Ill check the images tomorrow.
        Later  - (NOT recorded)
    (5) I cant rule out a bird but think its highly unlikely - appearance is
        different to what a bird looks like and the track angle was wrong as
        I saw several birds flying over during this session. The object also
        appeared to be going in a straight line.
    (6) Baring a misidentification with something off course I think this looks
        a very promising candidate..
    (7) I got one other less likely candidate but this was was going "downhill"
        across the field of view - will check just now just to make sure.
        Checked - was Lacrosse 3.
    (8) Used the "new" PC (100 Mhz) to drive CoSatrak - worked perfectly.
    Seesat-l mailing list

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