Updated elements

From: Ted Molczan (ssl3molcz@rogers.com)
Date: Mon May 31 2010 - 22:51:17 UTC

Derek Breit, Tim Luton, Mike McCants, Steve Newcomb, Jim Nix, Alberto Rango,
Greg Roberts, Peter Wakelin, Brad Young, and I, contributed observations
used to  determine one or more of the following element sets.

OTV-1                                                    401 X 422 km
1 36514U 10015A   10151.11718796  .00000981  00000-0  15344-4 0    06
2 36514  39.9851 122.0220 0015062 271.9297  87.9790 15.52676994    00
Arc 20100520.69-0531.13 WRMS resid 0.190 totl 0.023 xtrk

06675A                                                 284 X 35648 km
1 90059U 06675A   10150.67243933  .00000381  00000-0  19891-3 0    07
2 90059  28.0505 140.4847 7263262 259.7197  18.7003  2.28617970    02
Arc 20100527.97-0530.96 WRMS resid 0.007 totl 0.006 xtrk

Ted Molczan

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