8539 obs oct 2

From: Steve Newcomb (snewcomb@gcnetmail.net)
Date: Fri Oct 01 2004 - 23:18:23 EDT

  • Next message: Peter Wakelin: "SATOBS 2004 October 02"

    14180 83 056G   8539 G 20041002001750440 17 25 2144283+095420 38
    14180 83 056G   8539 G 20041002001846690 17 25 2304425+274458 38
    14180 83 056G   8539 G 20041002001857390 17 25 2320831+302486 38
    07816 75 043A   8539 G 20041002002743070 17 25 2152159+301118 38
    07816 75 043A   8539 G 20041002002829690 17 25 2110432+100541 67
    25017 97 064A   8539 G 20041002005823790 17 25 2203409+493861 38
    05680 71 110C   8539 G 20041002010442460 17 25 0030278+570287 38
    05680 71 110C   8539 G 20041002010452590 17 25 0024969+535245 38
    05680 71 110C   8539 G 20041002010511070 17 25 0017740+475588 38
    05680 71 110C   8539 G 20041002010521780 17 25 0013882+442826 38
    25744 99 028A   8539 G 20041002013351820 17 25 1807888+520154 38
    25744 99 028A   8539 G 20041002013418590 17 25 1812540+544665 38
    25744 99 028A   8539 G 20041002013659590 17 25 1858871+703891 38
    25744 99 028A   8539 G 20041002013716890 17 25 1907932+721598 38
    25744 99 028A   8539 G 20041002013729150 17 25 1914430+731775 38
    UARS and Cosmos 1484 seen 1x in the eastern sky at same time then used Idsat
    to id.
    Idsat also used to id Globalstar 44 as the unknown seen in fov with #14180
    at 00.19.03 UTC.
    Lat. 39.4707 Lon. -79.3388 Alt. 2753 ft. -4 UTC
    What these numbers mean: http://www.satobs.org/position/IODformat.html
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