26473 00 047A 2701 G 20041005092704150 17 25 0354716+053567 37 S 26473 00 047A 2701 G 20041005092715850 17 25 0401524+100192 18 S What these numbers mean: http://www.satobs.org/position/IODformat.html Site 2701: 43.68764 N, 79.39243 W, 230 m With the addition of the above, and the latest obs by David, Peter and Russell, I obtained this elset: Lacrosse 4 18.0 4.5 0.0 3.6 v 1 26473U 00047A 04279.38563031 .00000100 00000-0 18903-4 0 03 2 26473 68.0042 54.6248 0009226 313.6270 46.4090 14.64134025 07 Arc 2004 Oct 01.16 - 05.39, WRMS residuals = 0.038 deg The above assumes that the increase in mean motion was due to a manoeuvre sometime between Sep 22 and Oct 01, and that the rate of decay has remained constant. Ted Molczan ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Subscribe/Unsubscribe info, Frequently Asked Questions, SeeSat-L archive: http://www.satobs.org/seesat/seesatindex.html
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